Renewal in the Church and in the world through intimacy with Christ.

Our times are a battlefield in which the soldiers are fighting over one thing - you and your loved ones' souls.

Will you join the fight?

Commit to daily mental prayer to foster your friendship with Christ by clicking the link below.

"Promise me 15 minutes of meditation

and I will promise you paradise."

-St. Teresa of Avila


Would you like to assist SOCA's mission to win souls for Christ?


+Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila

Archbishop of Denvert

“SOCA is unique in its blend of zeal, authentically Catholic mysticism, and practicality, to form the next generation of Catholic lay apostles and Catholic leaders. All are called to holiness, which is the source of fruitful apostolic activity . . . "

+Bishop Joseph E. Strickland Bishop of Tyler

“SOCA’s work to make [The Soul of the Apostolate] a way of life takes the person to the center of who they are. We are built to live from the soul and our modern world is starving for the food that nurtures the very core of our life as children of God. . . . (SOCA is) essential for feeding that hunger and changing our world.”

+Bishop Athanasius Schneider Auxiliary Bishop of Astana

“The truth that all good we can do is done by and through Jesus cannot be overstated. . . . Zeal for souls and zeal for Christ--these are indispensable for Catholics desiring to work for evangelization. In order to set the world on fire, we must live interior lives of prayer. ”