Why SOCA? Testimonials

Daniel Vincent

Current SOCA Missionary Team Member

Bishop Strickland

Nathan Matoush

Current SOCA Missionary Team Member

“I just wanted to give you a big thank you to you and your whole team. It has made a very big difference in my life. I’ve realized that I have been ignoring a lot of things such as God’s will for me. The focus on mental prayer is what I think I was missing. In my head I already had preconceived ideas what I WANTED for myself. I was missing the point. So after SOCA, I really really focused on mental prayer and surrendered myself to God and I am so thankful to say that I am now discerning religious life and I will be visiting a religious order in January. So I just want to thank you for your amazing dedication to bring people closer to Christ through mental prayer.”

Young Woman

One of many who have been inspired to discern religious life

Accountability Network Testimonials

“SOCA weekly accountability meetings have helped me to continue with my Mental Prayer, daily renewal of meditating on God.... Weekly check-ins made the difference doing Mental Prayer daily.”

- Dan Skoglund, participant in Group#4M

"The Accountability Network has been a great reminder that keeps me on track. All the women of our group agree it has been helpful."

  • - Erica Matthews, Group Liaison for Group#5F

"The accountability network was a great kick start to making mental prayer more of a habit. It has inspired me to reach out to my friends who are also busy moms to form our own group, as we would be able to encourage and inspire each other since we face similar challenges."

  • Melissa Leblanc, Group Liaison for group#8F

"SOCA pulls knowledge and wisdom from the Saints in a condensed format which is easy to follow, to discuss with others, and then, most importantly, to implement mental prayer as a way of life."

Nate Iglienski

Disciple-Leader; Husband and Father of 5

SOCA Mission Partnership!

Partake in the mission for souls not only by going through the formation yourself (consider doing so here if you haven't: www.socacatholic.org/interior-path), but also by supporting our staff with prayer, care, and finances.

Goal: 100 mission partners giving on average $150/mo in 2023 in order to hire an apostolic coordinator for our 1000+ mental prayer commitments! Details below...

May God reward you and your family in this life and especially the next.